89. Blitzen Trapper - ‘Furr’ + Incider Cocktail

Blitzen Trapper - ‘Furr’ + Incider Cocktail

Ingredients: 1 1/2 ounces bourbon whiskey (Maker’s Mark works well), 5 ounces unpasteurized (preferably) apple cider

Mixing Instructions: Fill old-fashioned glass halfway with ice, add bourbon whiskey then fill the rest of the way with apple cider.  Stir and serve.

Notes:  There are few albums better suited for Fall than 'Furr', Blitzen Trapper’s fourth album and arguably its best work as a group.  From start to finish the album is deliciously-crafted Americana folk rock, distilled to its purist and most gritty form. The title track and “Black River Killer” are obvious highlights with each grabbing you by the collar with Dylan-esque storytelling, but there isn’t any fluff to be found throughout the album.  The wood-engraved cover art is fitting as the this album exudes the stature a century-old Pacific fir, solid to the core and filled with tales for the ages.

purchase vinyl:   Amazon   ||   Insound